When A Spell Goes Wrong, Dangerous Foes From Other Worlds Start To Appear And Attack Spider-Man.

Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Spider-Man: No Way Home | December 17, 2021 (United States) Summary:
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English


Our movie begins after Moments when Jameson outs Peter Parker as Spider-Man

Peter grabs MJ to get away from the crowd of shocked New Yorkers who truly believe he orchestrated the London drone attacks from Mysterio

Peter swings with MJ to try and get away from crowds but news choppers swarm them

They swing through the subways and manage to get away they make it back to his apartment where his Aunt May, and Happy have just broken up but soon, see the news of Peter’s identity being exposed

While Peter tries to find out what happened with May and Happy

they see the news choppers outside the apartment and Peter has no choice but to comply with the authorities

Peter, MJ and Ned are interrogated by police

for their perceived involvement in terrorist activities

MJ and Ned defend Peter but he manages to find a lawyer to help drop charges, blind lawyer Matt Murdock

Although Peter tries to return to a normal lifestyle, he is hounded by people who think he is either a hero or a menace

Peter tries to make it work per the assurance of his friends

And They focus on their college applications but they have all of them rejected, because of recent events

Even their goal school MIT rejects them all

Peter feels responsible for his friends’ lives being ruined as a result of their association with him

he visits the Sanctum Sanctorum to visit Doctor Strange to ask him if it would be possible for him to turn back time to prevent people from learning his secret identity but Strange thinks tampering with time was already risky, when the Avengers saved the world from Thanos

He then comes up with an idea for a spell that could fix things
although Wong warns Strange that the consequences, could be catastrophic

After he leaves, Strange ignores Wong and takes Peter down to a lower level

where he begins to cast the spell so that everyone will forget that he is Spider-Man

Peter starts to make changes in the middle of the spell, as he still wants MJ Ned May and Happy to know that he is Spidey

and this causes the spell to destabilize and create a brief rift

but Strange manages to get it under control

When Peter mentions that he didn’t even contact the MIT administrator to talk to them about reconsidering for MJ and Ned, before asking for the spell  and Strange scolds Peter

Peter gets in touch with Flash, who is claiming to be Spider-Man’s best friend

and helps Peter try to reach the MIT administrator as she is heading to the airport

and is going across the Alexander Hamilton bridge

Peter makes it there through a traffic jam, and begins to talk to the administrator

but his Spidey Senses go off

Mechanical tentacles begin bursting from beneath the bridge and people begin fleeing their cars

Rising from under the bridge is Doctor Octopus

He addresses Peter, who suits up as Spidey to fight him

And He tries to rescue the administrator but Doc Ock keeps attacking him

When the admin’s car goes over the side of the bridge

Spidey manages to web it up safely before Doc Ock catches him under the bridge and rips off a piece off the Spidey suit’s nanotech, which attaches itself to his tentacles

and whom he blames for his failed reactor experiment

Otto then observes that this Peter is not the Peter Parker he is familiar with

However, thanks to the suit’s programming

Peter is able to control the tentacles and uses them to pull the admin up to safety

She tells Peter that he is a hero, and that she will talk to the board about MJ and Ned’s applications as well as his

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Just then

a cackling figure throws a pumpkin bomb onto the bridge and blows up some cars

Norman Osborn/Green Goblin rides in and Otto recognizes him

but Peter is then pulled through one of Strange’s portals

Strange shows Peter that he has created holding cells in the Sanctum, where he keeps Otto, as well as Dr. Curt Connors/The Lizard

he says that because of Peter tampering with the spell

people from other multiverses that know Peter is Spider-Man

have broken through

And he gives Peter a magic gauntlet, that allows him to capture the multiverse figures

and Peter brings in MJ and Ned to help out

Strange allows them to help from the Sanctum’s basement

While they try to locate the others, Otto notes that it’s impossible for him to see Norman, since he died years earlier before Otto became Doc Ock

Peter goes out at night, towards a field with huge electrical towers

He witnesses Max Dillon/Electro

siphoning energy from the towers

and when he calls out to Max, he begins to fire electrical bolts toward Spidey

He is protected by Flint Marko/Sandman, who remembers how Peter Parker helped him after an earlier adventure

but Peter has to explain that he is not the Peter that he knows

Peter then rips off the charges from the tower to bring Max down

And His formerly glowing blue body returns to his normal appearance

Peter then uses the gauntlet, to send Max and Flint to the holding cells

Norman snaps out of his Goblin persona

and smashes his helmet before retreating to the FEAST center, where May works

She calls Peter and tells him that he is there

Norman appears unstable, rambling about how he is in a place he is unfamiliar with and mentions his son

And May encourages Peter to help Norman

Jameson continues reporting against Spider-Man on his show and he gets word from his guys about Peter’s location to try and catch him for a big story

Peter brings Norman to the Sanctum, where he recognizes Otto

Flint notes that both, Norman and Otto

are dead in his universe, while Lizard recognizes Max from his formerly nerdy appearance and Max acknowledges the Lizard’s rampage across New York, where he tried to turn everyone into creatures like himself

Strange then comes in with a relic called, the Maquina de Cadavas which contains the botched spell

and will be used to send the villains back to their universes

However, after Peter learns that they are all fated to die fighting Spider-Ma

he feels that there is an alternate way to fix things

And He swipes the relic from Strange, and flees into the streets with it

Strange separates Peter’s spirit from his body

but his reflexes help him dodge Strange, and he gets himself back together to continue fleeing

Strange then, pulls Spidey into the Mirror Dimension as Peter still tries to convince Strange there has to be a better way to fix things without letting the villains die

When Spidey realizes that the Mirror Dimension is like geometry

and he is able to find a way to trap Strange in web and secure the relic, before escaping and leaving Strange there and taking his portal creator

Peter proposes an alternate plan

where he will cure the villains of their corruptions, before sending them home to avoid their fates

He leaves the relic with MJ and Ned

as well as the portal maker, before taking the villains to his and May’s new apartment, where he finds the components necessary to get the job done

Peter shows the villains a Stark fabricator

that will make what they need, but Max is drawn to the energy given off by the arc reactor

With Norman’s help, Peter develops a new chip for Otto that will allow him to be in control of the tentacles rather than the other way around

Otto returns the nanotech to Peter’s suit

and Peter gives Max a device that will drain the electric power from his body

Unfortunately, his Spidey Senses go off and he catches Norman reverting to Goblin in an attempt to sabotage the plan

Goblin convinces Max to embrace his power and reject the cure

Max and Flint retreat together, while Lizard breaks out of the truck he was in

Goblin tosses Otto out the window, but he escapes just as Jameson and his crew

Spidey fights Goblin as the villain smashes him through the floors of the building, while May grabs the Goblin antidote and runs

When they catch Goblin at the floor level

May attempts to inject him with the antidote

but it doesn’t work

and Goblin uses his glider to strike May, before making his escape and firing pumpkin bombs at the news crew and officers outside

May picks herself up and goes to Peter

He blames himself for this, and feels that he should have listened to Strange

but May tells him

he did the right thing and reminds him that with great power comes great responsibility

They start to leave, but May realizes she has been gravely injured

And Peter stays by her side as she dies

The SWAT team comes to surround the building and fire at Peter but he escapes

Happy drives by and sees May dead

and he is apprehended by authorities

May’s death is reported on the news, with Jameson blaming Spider-Man

and Peter feeling immense guilt over it

MJ and Ned try to use the portal maker, to locate Peter

Ned manages to get it to work and finds Peter
except it’s not THEIR Peter

This other Spider-Man, jumps out through the portal into Ned’s grandma’s room

And He convinces MJ and Ned that he is Peter Parker When Ned tries again

he finds yet another Peter Parker

The two Spider-Men meet

and Tobey-Peter says that he has been trying to locate the Peter of this universe, to try and help him

Since MJ and Ned don’t know where to find him

the two Peters figure he must be somewhere, that they usually go to get away from their problems

And MJ knows where to find him

MJ and Ned find their Peter on the roof of the building, where they hung out at earlier

They console him over May’s death and he expresses his remorse over trying to help the villains

The other Peters come out to try and talk to Tom-Peter

but he doesn’t want to hear it, as he is now consumed by rage and hatred for Goblin

Tobey-Peter brings up how he wanted the man, who killed his Uncle Ben to die

but when he got his wish it didn’t make him feel better

And Andrew-Peter mentions his guilt in failing to save Gwen Stacey

When Tom-Peter eventually realizes what his variants have gone through

he knows that he cannot let May have died in vain

The three Peters plus MJ and Ned

continue to work to create the cures

while also bonding and being amazed by each other’s unique abilities like Tobey-Peter’s organic web shooters

Tom-Peter expresses his worries to MJ, who assures him that she will be by his side

He then makes a call to the Daily Bugle for Jameson’s show

to talk to all of New York and assure them, that while he created this mess, he will fix it

The Spider-Men lure the villains to the Statue of Liberty, where they are adding a Captain America shield, while MJ and Ned guard the relic

The Peters talk about other past experiences like Tobey-Peter fighting the symbiote, and Tom-Peter fighting Thanos

while Andrew-Peter laments fighting Rhino, but the other two assure him

that he is still amazing


Sandman, Lizard and Electro make their appearances and begin to fight the Spider-Men

While the heroes try to administer the cures

they keep getting knocked down

They resolve to take specific targets, and the three Spideys swing together in action

Tobey-Peter fights Sandman but manages to give him the cure, so that he can return to being Flint

and he promises to bring him home to his daughter

Lizard chases MJ and Ned when he sees the open portal

causing them to run out onto the scaffolding

Tom-Peter manages to get Lizard and turns him back into Curt

Electro proves to be strong, but Otto reappears and helps Andrew-Peter

by removing the arc reactor with his tentacles and placing the cure onto his chest

While Max is remorseful

Andrew-Peter doesn’t hold anything against him, and Max is thankful

Goblin comes flying in on his glider for the attack

Ned manages to get Strange out of the Mirror Dimension, and he watches the three Spideys in action

Goblin causes the scaffolding to break down, and MJ falls over the edge

Tom-Peter tries to rescue her, but the glider hits him

Andrew-Peter jumps in and saves MJ

and he briefly appears to feel redeemed for Gwen

Tom-Peter uses one of Goblin’s bombs to break down the glider and crash onto the collapsed Cap shield

He webs Goblin down, and begins to pummel him in fury

Tom-Peter then grabs the glider

and prepares to impale him, but Tobey-Peter comes in and stops him

Goblin stabs Tobey-Peter in the back, and he begins laughing at Tom-Peter

for failing to save May but he injects him with the cure

and completely removes Goblin from Norman’s body, and he feels great remorse for hurting his Peter

A rift then opens up in the sky, with more potential villains about to break through the multiversal barriers

and Strange says he can’t stop them from breaking through

Peter then suggests a final spell where not only would people forget that he is Spider-Man, but they will forget about him period

This means, that even Strange, MJ, Ned

and Happy will all forget who Peter is, but it is the only way to fix things

Peter bids his variants farewell with a group hug, all acknowledging each other as brothers, and he goes to tell MJ and Ned what has to happen

Ned tearfully bids his best friend farewell, while Peter and MJ profess their love for one another

Everyone is then returned to their own universe

Jameson continues to slander Spidey in the media

Peter now lives alone with nobody knowing who he is

He goes to the café, where MJ works and finds her and Ned

They are still friends and have both gotten into MIT

Peter talks to MJ for a moment before walking away

He later visits May’s grave, where Happy is as well and asks how Peter knew her

He says through Spider-Man

and both he and Happy acknowledge how many people May helped

Peter returns to his apartment, where he uses a police scanner to listen in on any criminal activities

He then continues to fulfill his duties to protect New York

as Spider-Man

Eddie Brock and Venom are at a bar, after they were also pulled through from their universe

After Eddie learns from the bartender about all the Avengers activity

he and Venom are immediately sent back to their universe after the spell is cast

However, a small piece of the symbiote remains in this universe.

Spider-Man: No Way Home.

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