A Man Control Entire Army of Wonderful Girls to Take Over The World.
Black Widow.
In 1995
Young Natasha plays with her surrogate sister Yelena
until Yelena scrapes her knee
They go to their mother, Melina who tends to the wound
Later, the father Alexei comes home and tells Melina they have to leave
They take the girls to a hangar where they prepare to board a plane
before a team of SHIELD agents pursue them
Alexei shoots at them while Melina tries to get the plane moving
She is shot so Natasha must move up and take the controls while Alexei hangs on the wing
They manage to get the agents to crash all over the place
before flying out of there
The four arrive in Cuba where Melina is given medical attention
and the father meets with a man named Dreykov
When the nearby soldiers try to get the girls
Natasha swipes a gun off one soldier to defend Yelena
The men make sure that the girl has guts
and both girls are tranquilized and taken away in a truck
A montage follows showing Natasha and Yelena
plus dozens of other kidnapped girls
being taken to the Red Room where they are subjected to harsh procedures and training through their lives
which shaping them into powerful Black Widow agents
21 years later
Natasha is on the run after violating the Sokovia Accords
General Thaddeus and his men close in on the building where she is located
Ross attempts to talk to Natasha but she makes it clear she is not going quietly
She manages to escape before Ross can catch up to her
In Morocco, Yelena has her eyes on a target, called Oksana
Yelena is spotted and she pursues Oksana on foot
The two fight until Yelena fatally stabs Oksana in the gut
She then sprays Yelena in the face with a synthetic red gas called Red Dust which appears to break Yelena free from mind control
She realizes she just killed a close friend of hers
Yelena recovers the rest of the gas and removes a tracker from her body
Dreykov is informed of this when Yelena’s signal is lost
and he goes to dispatch his super-assassin, Taskmaster
Natasha moves to a safe house in Norway where she meets Rick Mason who supplies her with items like passports or whatever she needs
She is also sent a mysterious package
Later that night, Natasha runs out of fuel and goes to get more, only for Taskmaster to ambush her on the bridge
Natasha tries to fight the assassin but Taskmaster is capable of mimicking moves and is quick to defend themself
Taskmaster attempts to grab Natasha’s package but she already grabbed it before Taskmaster throws her off the bridge
Natasha finds that it is Red Dust along with pictures of her and Yelena as children
Natasha travels to Budapest to find Yelena in her own safe house
The two engage in a fight until they call a truce before they literally strangle each other
Yelena tells Natasha about the Red Dust and its effects, and she also lets her know that the Red Room is still active, despite Natasha having believed it to be destroyed when she supposedly killed Dreykov
Yelena mentions Dreykov’s daughter, just before several Black Widows come after them
The two run out of the building and topple a tower as Natasha has to shake one Widow off as she falls to the ground
When Natasha gets down to the Widow
she tells Natasha that Dreykov is forcing her to do this, just before Dreykov has the Widow kill herself
Just as Natasha and Yelena try to escape
Taskmaster appears and pursues them through the streets
They steal a car and drive as fast as they can
but Taskmaster fires an explosive arrow that sends the car rolling down into the subway
Natasha and Yelena run, with Taskmaster following a trail of blood from Yelena’s arm
but the two managed to divert Taskmaster’s path as they hide
As Yelena tends to her arm, she brings up how Natasha believed that she killed Dreykov at the cost of his daughter Antonia’s life when trying to work for SHIELD
She was keeping watch outside his office when Antonia entered the building
When asked by an agent if they were clear to execute Dreykov, Natasha said yes despite Antonia being there, and the building blew up, killing her
and This has haunted Natasha ever since
Natasha and Yelena grab some supplies and get drinks while reminiscing about the past, with Yelena talking about the fake family they had and the training they went through
They know that, in order to bring down Dreykov and the Red Room for good, they need help
Natasha contacts Rick again, and he procures a plane for her and Yelena
Alexei has been in prison, arm wrestling other inmates while regaling them with stories about how he was the Red Guardian, Russia’s first and only super-soldier
He tells the others that he battled Captain America, although another inmate believes it to be a lie, and Alexei breaks his hand for it
The alarms go off as Natasha and Yelena fly in over the facility
Alexei uses his super strength to break out of the building, but the guards go after him and try to attack the plane
But Natasha descends and engages in combat with the guards while Yelena fires a grenade at a tower
And This causes an avalanche that buries the facility, but Natasha is able to grab Alexei in time
However, both she and Yelena aren’t particularly happy to see them since he and Melina lied to them as kids
When they ask Alexei if he knows where to find Dreykov, he tells them that Melina might have an idea
The three make a rough landing near a farm where Melina is using mind control on pigs
She reunites with her former fake family, and Alexei openly flirts with her.
He even goes to try on his old Red Guardian outfit, but he struggles to get it on due to gaining weight
While sitting at the table, things get tense as Natasha says that nothing from their past was real
Yelena is brought to tears, as she believed their family to be real
Later, Melina tells Natasha that her birth mother was relentlessly searching for her until Dreykov had her killed
At the same time, Alexei tries to continue being a father figure to Yelena, although she is still too angry at him until he sings American Pie, which was her favorite song when they lived in Ohio.
Moments later, Dreykov’s agents arrive, having been contacted by Melina
They subdue Natasha, Yelena, and Alexei before being taken away
The group arrives at the Red Room, which is located in an aerial base for the utmost discretion
Melina is brought to Dreykov, although it turns out to be Natasha wearing a disguise
This was part of a plan she staged with Melina back at the house, with Melina taking Natasha’s place in the prison cell since she knows how to open the doors to free herself and Alexei
Yelena nearly has her head cut open until Melina talks to her via an earpiece to inform her of a blade she can use to free herself
Meanwhile, Dreykov reveals several things to Natasha
First, he has protected himself with a pheromone that prevents anyone from attacking him
Then he brings out Taskmaster, who is revealed to be Antonia, having survived the explosion with facial disfigurement, and her father has her mind-controlled into being the perfect super-soldier
He then shows Natasha the files of all the girls around the world that he has mind-controlled
When confronted by guards, Melina blows up one of the engines on the Red Room, sending several guards falling, but also causing the whole facility to begin tumbling toward the ground
Alexei fights Antonia while Yelena and Melina battle the guards until Melina helps Alexei trap Antonia in one of the cells
Natasha then smashes her face against Dreykov’s desk to break her nose to block out the pheromone per Melina’s advice, allowing her to attack Dreykov
He brings in other Widows to attack Natasha as he makes his getaway, but Yelena sends the Red Dust to the room, blowing it up and breaking the Widows from their mind control
Natasha tells them to go free, and she stops to release Antonia from her cell, despite acknowledging that she will go after her
The Red Room starts to come apart even more, prompting everyone to make it outside to escape
Alexei and Melina make their escape, unable to wait for Natasha and Yelena
Dreykov and his guards board their getaway craft, but Yelena takes electric batons and jams them into the turbine, causing the ship to explode and blow up Dreykov and the guards
Yelena is thrown from the impact, but Natasha jumps and reaches her in time to give her a parachute
Antonia catches up to Natasha and fights her when they land on the ground
Natasha opens her helmet and sprays her with the Red Dust, freeing her from her father’s control
Natasha is met by Yelena, Alexei, Melina, and the other Widows, who take Antonia in for recovery
Natasha bids farewell to her former family as Ross and his team start making their way toward the location
Two weeks later
Natasha now has blonde hair and meets up with Rick again as he has gotten her a jet
She is set to help break out the other Avengers from prison and reunite with her second family
It is now 2024
Yelena goes with her new dog to Natasha’s grave, following her sacrifice in “Endgame”
As she mourns her sister, she is met by Contessa Valentina, who now has Yelena under her employment.
She gives Yelena a file on her next target, the one apparently responsible for Natasha’s death.