Beautiful Girl Uses Crazy Tricks to Punish Anyone Who Upsets Her.

A beautiful girl has an unusual way of dealing with people who upset her. Instead of typical responses, she uses wild and unpredictable tricks to teach them a lesson. Her creative punishments leave everyone shocked and wondering what she’ll do next.


A widower named Carson grieves the recent passing of his wife, whom he loved so much, and has a hard time coping with life in the city he shared with her. Hence for the sake of his sixteen year old daughter Nancy, Carson looks for a fresh start, away from all the painful memories, and relocates his family from Chicago to a small town in Rural Heights, where his sister Hannah lives.


A couple of years later, Carson has adapted to his new home remarkably and is even involved in local politics, with the support of his close friend Nate. In the last few months, Carson and Nate have devoted both their time and energy to passionately fight against the construction of a new train railway, which threatens to destroy all the historical landmarks of the small town and uproot many of the locals from their beloved homes.


Meanwhile, Nancy still has a hard time adjusting to life in a small town, away from all her childhood friends, but has managed to find two best friends, Bess and George, who have become very dear to her and join her in all her curious mischiefs around the local high school.


One morning, after learning that Nancy is not home, George runs around town looking for her, and after hours long search, is relieved to find her skating in the park. There, before even exchanging greetings, George breathlessly narrates to Nancy that a new humiliating video of Bess has been posted online. Knowing how sensitive Bess is, Nancy immediately joins George, and the girls run to Bess’s house to check on her.


There, the duo finds Bess locked in her room, stewing in embarrassment, and takes time out to comfort her. Once Bess calms down, Nancy plays the horrible video to find any clues as to who might have recorded it and tries to employ her friends’ help to inspect it better. However, upon rewatching the video, which records Bess’s clumsy moments, calls her unflattering names, and insinuates that she’s unhygienic, Bess is once again upset until Nancy promises to find and punish whoever is responsible for the cyberbullying.


George and Bess get on board with Nancy’s plan and start investigating the video to see who could have had the best vantage point to shoot it. After minutes of inspection, the girls get a break, put all the clues together, and identify the popular, rich boy from school named Derek, as the culprit. Then, the trio start to learn as much as they can about their new enemy, so that they can hit him where it hurts.


During their investigation, the girls remember that Derek is in a relationship with a popular, rich girl named Helen, and learn that he loves to work out and that he goes to the local gym regularly. After further investigation, the girls realize that the best way to get back at Derek is to tarnish his social media presence, work out a detailed plan, and choose the perfect day to execute it.


On the day of the revenge, Nancy puts on a maintenance worker uniform, heads to the gym, and subtly enters the men’s locker room, where she plans to replace the shower heads with one containing late-release blue dye, while George and Bess mess with the Gym camera to get live feed and all the previously recorded footage.


After a few minutes, Nancy finishes with her task, leaves the gym discreetly, and joins her best friends to remotely watch their revenge prank unfold, through the hacked camera. Meanwhile, Derek finishes his workout and unwittingly heads to the shower. Then, as the girls eat their snacks and enjoy the show remotely, Derek finishes his shower and returns to the exercise area to rejoin his friends, who notice him turning blue and start asking him if he is okay. Confused by his friend’s unusual query, Derek goes to the mirror and is utterly flabbergasted to see a completely blue version of himself staring back at him. After further inspection, Derek realizes that his whole body has turned blue and wonders what on earth is going on.


Before Derek can form a plausible explanation, the girls upload various embarrassing videos of him on the large monitors in the gym, right after which, Nancy uses the hacked camera to remind Derek that he deserves all the humiliation, for the way he bullies his peers. Overwhelmed by everything and still blue, Derek runs out of the gym, screaming in sheer humiliation. In the aftermath of their feat, Bess thanks Nancy profusely for standing up for her and having her back and the girls promise to always be there for each other.


Later that day, Derek’s influential father Mr. Barnes goes to the station to speak to the sheriff, Sheriff March banks, and proceeds to sue Nancy and her father, until Carson threatens to press charges against Derek for cyberbullying. Fearing for his son’s well-being, Mr. Banks momentarily backs down and storms out of the station in frustration. The sheriff then calmly warns Carson not to be on the wrong side of the Barnes’, before informing him that Nancy has to do eight hours of community service for two months, as a punishment for destroying the gym’s property and involving other girls in her mischief.


Later, as Carson and Nancy walk out of the station, Carson takes time out to tell his daughter how proud he is of her courage to stand up for what’s right and against bullying but sternly reminds her that the way she went about punishing the culprit was not correct. As the discussion goes on, Carson is sad to learn that his daughter has still not accepted her new life in River Heights, that she blames him for uprooting her life and starts suspecting that all his daughter’s recent mischiefs might be her way of telling him that she wants to move back to Chicago.


Later that day, both Nancy and Carson go to a town fair to meet with Hannah, who has organized a stand to support the construction of the railway. There. Hannah tries to convince her brother to change his mind about the train, to no avail. As the siblings discuss this, Nate joins them and the trio lovingly joke with one another, before the men go to their town hall meeting to discuss the future of the town.


Once they are alone,  Hannah takes time out to check on Nancy and once she makes sure she is okay, she advises the teenager to forgive her father for uprooting her. She then goes on to describe how Carson is still devastated about his wife’s death and had to move away from Chicago so that he can somehow try to move on and be a better father to her, which calms down the frustrated Nancy and helps her understand her father better.


In the evening, As Nancy skateboards home, she runs into Derek, who is still blue and angry but is gladly rescued from his wrath, by Mr. Barnes, who orders his son to stand down, before any altercation ensues.  Later, as Nancy continues her journey home, she is scared to realize that a car is following her. After skating past a couple of blocks, in hopes of losing it, Nancy speeds away as the car starts chasing her.


After a few minutes, the car catches up to Nancy, and a local man named William, angrily gets out and walks towards Nancy, ordering her to warn her father to stand down from his fight against the railway construction, as many powerful people will stand to lose money if the construction falls through.


As soon as she gets home, Nancy narrates everything that happened to Hannah and her father, who becomes infuriated to no end. Hannah calms everyone down with loving advice and makes sure they don’t do anything they will regret later, like get into an altercation.


The next day, Nancy rises early and reports to the police station, where she is tasked with cleaning the compound as part of her community service, supervised by the town’s deputy sheriff, Patrick. A couple of hours into the boring job, Nancy sees Helen and her elderly aunt Flora, approaching the sheriff and a few minutes later, hears the old lady report that her house is haunted, which suddenly piques her interest.


Disturbed by the story, the sheriff dismisses it completely and politely tells Flora that he can’t send the few officers he has to her house for such ludicrous reasons. As soon as the sheriff walks away, Nancy quickly approaches Flora and offers to help her solve the ghost mystery. Despite Helen’s claim that Nancy is a troubled kid, Flora kindly receives Nancy’s help and decides to share the full story of the ghosts. Flora relates the myth of the origin of the ghosts, who are believed to be brothers, from a couple of centuries ago and asks both Nancy and Helen to put their differences aside and work together to uncover the truth.


That night, Nancy surprises her father by cooking him dinner and begs him to let her stay at Flora’s house for the night to investigate the ghosts. After some hesitation, Carson states that he’s going out of town for business and gives his eager daughter permission to go over to the old lady’s house. Before Nancy excitedly sprints out of the house, Carson warns her to text or call him every hour to check in with him and update him about her status.


That evening, Nancy goes to Flora’s eccentric house and meets with Helen, who immediately tries to start a fight with her. After a few minutes of back and forth, the girls decide to put off their feud, at least until the mystery is uncovered, and in the meantime, they agree to put up a united front to help the sweet old lady.


The girls spend the evening having a blast with Flora and getting to know about her adventurous past. All of a sudden, as Helen goes to the kitchen, she sees a mysterious figure watching her and screams in utter horror. Flora and Nancy run to the terrified girl’s aide but are dismayed to realize that it’s a little too late, as they hear the figure run away through the backyard.


Curious about what’s going on, Nancy follows the noise around the yard and is more confused to see Derek’s car speed away. Determined to catch the culprit, Nancy decides to follow the car to the front yard and is shocked to run into Deputy Patrick, who, after hearing Flora’s report to the sheriff earlier, came to do an investigation of his own. Nancy relates what happened so far, including the sighting of Derek’s car to the deputy, who after making sure that the property is all secure, asks her to keep him informed about any developments and call him if something comes up.


Nancy returns to the house and calms both Helen and Flora, by assuring them that everything’s in order. Then, once everything settles down, to pass the time, the women start playing cards, during which Nancy shares her theory that someone must be impersonating ghosts to mess with them and that her prime suspect is Derek. Helen is outraged at the mention of her boyfriend’s name in association with the cruel act and defends him by mentioning that Derek and his family are away on a vacation. The girls get into a full-blown argument over Derek’s possible involvement and as Flora tries to mediate, the power goes out and the house goes completely dark.


As the women scream in shock, power returns and they see a dark figure running around the house. Nancy bravely sets out to follow the figure but is interrupted by music that spontaneously blares from different sources and tries to go around and turn them all off. A few minutes later, all the light bulbs start disintegrating while the lamps mysteriously start floating around. Before the women can process what’s going on, Helen is whisked away to the kitchen by a dark figure and as she screams in utter horror, Flora and Nancy try everything they can to rescue her.


Once the duo manages to free Helen, the women start running around the house looking for a safe place to hide but are once again interrupted by a masked figure. Nancy shoves both Flora and Helen into a small closet and goes to deal with the masked figure on her own. Minutes later, the figure approaches Nancy and reveals its face which manages to scare her into passing out for the night.


The next morning, Nancy wakes up with a terrible headache and receives a warm appreciation for bravely fighting off the intruders from Helen but realizes that she doesn’t remember much of what caused her to pass out.  Then, she puts all the madness aside and calls her father to check in with him, while momentarily ignoring all the inquisitive texts from her best friends.


Then, Nancy takes a moment to list down everything they have discovered about the ghosts so far, including the weird phenomena around the house, and tries to come up with a logical explanation for each one, to no avail.


Then, as she paces left and right, trying to process everything, Nancy notices a shoe print throughout the living room and decides to follow it, while both Helen and Flora follow her in anticipation. Nancy tracks the shoe print through the corridor and is led to a bookshelf in the hallway. Confused, Nancy slowly examines the bookshelf and tries to find where the shoe print has disappeared. After a few minutes of thorough inspection, Nancy finds a small knob hidden behind the books, pulls it, and together with Flora and Helen, is utterly surprised to see it open into a hidden staircase.


Nancy is joined by Helen as she navigates through the mysterious space and finds what looks like a servants’ quarter from back in the day. Then, as the girls continue on their way, they find a tunnel that leads outside and surmise that whoever messed with them last night, discreetly entered the house through it. Upon further inspection of the mysterious space, the girls find multiple props the intruder used to simulate a ghost haunting, including a rigged fuse box, used to manipulate the lighting.


Once they make sure that everything is staged to look like a haunting and that there are no ghosts around, the girls wonder why they all easily get tricked by the setup. Then, Nancy calls her best friends to share everything she found out so far and asks them for their help in figuring out why the haunting simulation felt as real as it did.


After considering all the facts, Bess and George theorize that they must have all somehow been drugged and advise them to examine the subject further. The women decide to call anyone or any repair company that recently had access to the house and vet them. After hours of hard work, Nancy discovers that the air conditioning in the house has been rigged and is joined by both Helen and Flora as she goes to check it out. There, the women are disturbed to find a mysterious canister attached to the air conditioning valve and together with George and Bess, decide to take it to the school’s chemistry lab, to test its contents.


The next day, Helen uses her wealthy family’s connections to get Nancy out of her community service, so that she can dedicate all her energy and time to finding out what’s going on. That night, Helen joins Nancy and her best friends, as they secretly break into their school’s chemistry lab to run a test on the contents of the canister. However, a few hours into the night,  a fight breaks out between Helen and George, who accuses the rich, popular girl of being a heartless bully. Nancy calms everyone down and, hoping to keep the peace, politely escorts Helen out, promising to update her on everything they find out.


Once Helen leaves, the girls focus all their attention on the matter at hand, and after hours of processing the mysterious compound, Bess summarizes the finding and informs her friends that the canister is filled with a psychoactive compound that has the ability to cause dangerous hallucinations. The trio uses this information and deduces that the hallucinogenic compound has been released throughout the house, through the air conditioner, and has caused them to believe and even exaggerate, all that they have experienced so far.


In the morning, Nancy calls her father for the regular check-in but fails to contact him, hence she leaves him a message asking him to call and update her on how his work trip has been going. Then, Nancy rushes to Derek’s house, hoping to get him to confess to his involvement in the events of the simulated haunting but finds no one there. Succumbing to her curiosity, Nancy discreetly picks the locks of the garage’s door, enters, and tries to find any clues to connect Derek or any member of his family to the crime. However, a few minutes in, the Sheriff arrives on Barnes’ property and feeling cornered, arrests her, and takes her to the station.


Hannah is frustrated by this and rushes to the police station to pick up her niece. There, as the sheriff lists down all the offenses the curious young girl committed, the deputy comes to the accused’s rescue by pretending that Nancy’s working with him and states that she broke into the Barnes’ mansion upon his order. The sheriff gives Nancy the benefit of the doubt and lets her go with a warning.


Outside, Nancy profusely thanks the deputy for getting her out of trouble but fails to convince her aunt with the made-up story. Hannah confiscates Nancy’s skateboard, gives her an early curfew, and warns her to stay out of trouble. Then, once Hannah calms down, Nancy asks her if she’s heard from Carson, and is shocked to realize that no one has spoken to her father in more than twelve hours.


Worried, Nancy calls Nate to see if he’s heard from her father and shares her concern for his well-being. Nate calms his panicked goddaughter and after apologizing for not contacting her sooner, he states that Carson had gone camping in the mountains with his new client and that cell service is terrible there.


Hannah is relieved to hear this and thanks Nate for informing them, while on the contrary, Nancy remains worried, as her father had informed her he would be staying at a hotel, and decides to get to the bottom of it. Later, she sneaks into her father’s home office to gather as much information as possible and after rummaging through everything, learns the name of the hotel he had reserved.


As Nancy continues to search for more information, so that she will be well-equipped for what lies ahead, she receives a call from her best friends, who inform her that they have just finished their investigation and uncovered the name of the company that manufactures and sells the psychoactive drug responsible for their hallucinations. The girls then come up with a plan to dress and prepare Bess to look like a new client and set up a meeting with the manufacturing company, so that she can get the list of recent purchasers. Nancy thanks her friends for always being there for her and the trio promise to keep each other updated and wish each other luck in their respective plans.


In Carson’s office, Nancy puts everything back the way she found it and as she discreetly leaves the house, she runs into a distraught Helen, who informs her that she has had enough of Derek and just broke up with him. Nancy comforts Helen and praises her courage to make such a decision. Then, Nancy informs her father’s peculiar situation to her new friend, who supports her decision to go to the hotel to look for him and offers to join her.


Even Though she doesn’t know how to drive, Nancy is forced to steal her aunt’s car and is joined by Helen as she attempts to drive out of town, to the hotel, to look for her father. During the tough ride, with many sudden stops and starts, Helen and Nancy get to know each other better and encourage one another, until the car completely comes to a halt. The girls decide to take a few minutes of break and calmly share different theories for the reasons behind the staged haunted house and Carson’s disappearance. Then, Nancy advises Helen not to be pressured by people’s perception of her and to focus on staying true to herself while Helen apologizes for the way she’s been treating Nancy and her friends in school and promises to be a better person.


Elsewhere, George encourages the timid Bess, who suddenly freaks out about her ability to properly impersonate a new client, and drives her to the company. Meanwhile, Nancy and Helen get to the hotel, manage to access Carson’s room, and are disturbed to find no sign of him except his phone, which really concerns them. Then, as Nancy starts to freak out, Helen comforts and calms her down enough, so that she can think clearly and find all the clues necessary to locate her father.


Upon inspection of the small hotel, Nancy notices a security camera and together with Helen goes to ask the receptionist for access. However, the receptionist refuses to cooperate and starts to turn down their request until Nancy uses her wit to quickly figure out that she is drinking on the job and uses this information to blackmail her for access to the footage.


Then, Nancy and Helen start going through the footage and after a few minutes, find what they’re looking for. However, in the footage, the girls are quite shocked to see Carson being knocked out and kidnapped into a mysterious vehicle, right outside of the hotel. Nancy panics once more and tries everything she can to zoom in on the footage, to discern the identity of the attacker or the vehicle’s plate, to no avail and instead sees a unique mark at the back window that looks quite familiar but one she can’t put her fingers on.


As Nancy and Helen try to figure out how to proceed, George and Bess call the worried Nancy and excitedly announce that they have successfully figured out the purchaser of the drug and that it’s William. Upon hearing his name, Nancy’s memory is triggered, which helps her recognize the mysterious mark from the back of the car and realize that the criminal that kidnapped her father and the one that staged the house haunting at Flora’s house is one and the same, William.


Nancy then connects all the dots, surmises that William must be keeping her father in the hidden staircase at Flora’s house, calls Deputy Patrick immediately, and after detailing that she has discovered valuable information, asks him to meet her there.


The deputy rushes to Flora’s house to learn what’s going on. However, when he gets there, he is attacked and knocked out by Nate, who comes out of nowhere. Then, when Helen and Nancy reach the house, they see the abandoned squad car, run to it, and are shocked to discover the unconscious deputy. The girls then quietly go to the tunnel and discreetly make their way down the staircase, find Carson as they suspected, but are concerned that he is being carefully guarded by William.


As the girls quietly continue their surveillance, William leads Carson out, through the bookshelf into the living room, where Flora is being held and monitored by Nate, while the girls expertly follow them.


In the living room, both Carson and Nancy are shocked to learn about Nate’s involvement in all the insanity. Nate calms down the confused and hurt Carson and explains that the train company has offered him a lot of money to deliver unanimous support for the trains, from the locals, so that they can start the railway construction.


Before Carson processes this, Nate orders both him and Flora to sign agreement papers and warns them that things will get unnecessarily dangerous if they refuse to do so. Nate explains his beliefs that once Flora signs the agreement, the rest of the properties around the area will follow, which will facilitate the construction.


Despite the many threats, Carson refuses to sign the papers which ends up frustrating William into offering to kill both Flora and Carson. Shocked by how fast the situation is getting out of control, Nate begs William to slow down and consider faking their prisoners’ signatures and call it a day. As the two continue arguing among themselves, the girls quietly retreat to the hidden staircase and use the different props to manipulate the electricity and cause a distraction.


Hoping to handle everything once and for all, William offers to go after the girls and rushes to the secret room. There, Helen and Nancy execute their plan perfectly and despite some setbacks, manage to neutralize William, at the bottom of the staircase.


Helen then runs to the living room to check on her aunt but is unfortunately caught by Nate, who threatens to kill her and screams bloody murder, in fear. While Carson and Flora plead with Nate to let go of Helen, Nancy sets up one last prank and rings the doorbell. Curious about who it could be, Nate carefully opens the door but is attacked by various props, before being forced to inhale some of the leftover psychoactive drug, which causes him to momentarily lose his mind, with hallucinations.


Then, Nate starts to freak out and scream uncontrollably at everything around him, which gives his prisoners time to free themselves. The police arrive shortly after and apprehend Nate, who is still so confused about what’s going on.


Deputy Patrick takes time out to congratulate Nancy for correctly identifying the culprit and rescuing her father, while she thanks him profusely for giving her the benefit of the doubt. Moments later, both George and Bess arrive and proudly show their support to their courageous best friend.


In hopes of giving a chance to the trio of friends to catch up, Helen stands aside and admires the girls’ friendship, and is visibly ecstatic when they welcome her into their group, as she never had such meaningful friendships before


Then, Nancy pulls her father aside to check on him, apologizing for all the nuance she caused him and the father-daughter duo lovingly embraces one another while confessing how much they mean to each other.


A few days later, in school, Helen officially joins Nancy’s group by posting a nice picture of them on her Instagram and hanging out with them. Helen then invites her new friends to her cousin’s upcoming wedding at a local, old inn, which excites the group as it sounds like a promising arena for adventure.


The girls then excitedly make a plan to attend the wedding and promise to have a fun adventure there while investigating the many myths surrounding the ancient building of the inn.


Young Nancy manages to punch above her weight, bring down adult criminals, and rescue her father because of her inquisitive mind, willingness to help others, and most of all, because of the support of her friends, who always had her back.


This goes a long way to remind us that with the right people around us, we can navigate and get through anything.




Nancy Drew And The Hidden Staircase 2019 .

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