Boy Finds a Mystery Device That Gives Him Powers He Can’t Control.
A boy stumbles upon a strange device that changes his life forever. It grants him incredible powers, but there’s a catch, he can’t control them.
After a strange alien ship is seen in U.S. airspace, the Air Force sends a captain named Irons to check out what it is. While on the mission, Irons can’t seem to tell what it is, but his superior sounds like she already knows what they’re dealing with. Irons asks if he can engage, but his superior tells him to hold on. As he asks for confirmation again, he’s told to disengage and return to base. Irons thinks there’s something weird going on, so he disobeys the order and follows the ship to check out what it really is.
Elsewhere, a man named Jack is camping in the woods with his wife, Lily, and his son, Charlie. Suddenly, an explosion happens not too far from the family, and Jack decides to head toward the scene to see what happened. Lily tries to stop him, but he says there might be people who need help over there.
After this, Lily lets him leave, and he drives his van toward the scene of the crash. As he almost gets there, he sees a man on the road and goes down to ask who he is, and if he knows what happened. The man turns out to be Irons, and he mentions that he was just involved in a collision. As Jack asks what he collided with, Irons just takes him to the crash scene. When they get there, they see the alien ship, which Irons calls an Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon, or UAP.
Jack looks shocked to see it, but Irons seems quite intrigued and says he has been waiting for a long time to be up close to such a ship. He adds that the technology in the UAP will change everything in the world. Suddenly, the UAP opens up, and a strange ball-like object pops out. A computer voice then announces that the object is analyzing the planet. As it moves close to Irons, he nearly catches it, but the voice says he’s not a worthy Guardian.
The object then floats in front of Jack, and the automated voice mentions that he has been accepted as a device’s Guardian. As Jack holds it, the device pairs with him and shows him some visions. It then initiates a self-destruct mode for the UAP. As it explodes, Jack’s device creates a protective shield for him while Irons is blasted away. Following this, Jack becomes a hero called the Guard, who fights crime in different countries.
His identity remains unknown to the public, and he leaves people wondering if he’s even a real person. Meanwhile, Irons starts a podcast in which he talks about the Guard’s powers. In one of his episodes, he mentions that the Guard is using alien technology, and he knows how to track the power source, but he needs some resources, which he hopes a man named Argon can help him with.
Ten years later, Charlie is now in high school, and he also appears to be a huge fan of the Guard. During a class presentation on energy sources, Charlie decides to talk about the source of the Guard’s powers, but his friend, Berger, thinks it’s a bad idea. Despite this, Charlie goes through with his presentation, and while he’s at it, a girl named Maya walks into the class, and he looks shocked to see her. The teacher then mentions that Maya is a new transfer student from Turkey. It then turns out that Charlie and his classmates know her because she’s an old student who left the school a while ago.
After the class ends, Charlie and Berger head to the school field for a baseball game. As they’re walking to the bench, Berger’s parents cheer loudly for him, but he thinks they’re being weird. Charlie then says it’s good that they can at least show up to his games, unlike his dad, who is always at a never-ending IT conference. After they get to the bench, Charlie asks Berger if he has asked a girl named Lizzie to be his date for the upcoming school dance. Berger says he’s waiting until the last minute because it’s what girls love.
Almost immediately, Berger’s brother, Big Mac, comes over to the bench and tells Berger that their mom wants him to have his fan. Meanwhile, Lizzie sits with Maya at the game and records a video to talk about how she’s excited that her best friend from a few years ago has returned to her school. Shortly after, the coach subs Charlie into the game as a pitcher who will go up against a boy named Forrest, who happens to be popular as a bully.
As Charlie throws the ball, Forrest bats it back to him, and he falls immediately. Later that day, when he gets home, Charlie sees Lily watching the news about the Guard. Charlie asks if the story is about another Guard sighting, and Lily says it is. She then asks if he has packed his things and is ready to leave for his dad’s place. Charlie says he knows his dad will eventually call to cancel, and coincidentally, Lily gets a call from Jack.
It turns out that after Jack became the guard, he got too busy fighting crime and barely had time for his family. Lily got a divorce because of this, but she still lets Charlie visit Jack, even though he’s barely around. As Lily talks to Jack, Charlie continues to watch the news and sees Argon being interviewed.
Argon is the CEO of a defense contractor that has been experiencing losses since the Guard started fighting crime around the world. The reporter asks if he thinks the defense industry will survive if the Guard continues being useful, but Argon mentions that everyone needs to be concerned about the consequences of when the superhero has a bad day. As Lily continues talking to Jack, he says he might have to postpone Charlie’s visit, but she tells him that he can’t do that because his son has been looking forward to it.
Jack eventually agrees to let Charlie come over, and the call ends. Shortly after, Lily drops Charlie off at Jack’s place, but he just walks in and ignores his dad. After he enters the house, Jack says sorry to Charlie for missing his game. Charlie initially seems angry at him, but as Jack gives him a Nintendo Switch, he looks happy and accepts it.
Shortly after, while they’re playing a baseball game together, Jack says it doesn’t have a feature that will allow him to use a Hidden Ball Trick, or HBT. Charlie doesn’t know what he’s talking about, and Jack says it’s a trick that involves pretending to throw the ball. Jack then gets a call and leaves the room to answer it. When he returns, he says he has an emergency at work, and Charlie asks why he can’t just cancel it. Jack says it’s important, and Charlie asks if it’s more important than him.
Jack looks disappointed to hear this, but he mentions that when he’s back in a couple of days, he’ll explain some things to Charlie so that he’ll understand what’s going on. Charlie says he understands it perfectly because Jack is a crappy dad. Jack doesn’t know what else to say, and he asks if Charlie will call Lily to pick him up from the house. Charlie says he will, and he calls her immediately to inform her that Jack is already leaving for work. After the call ends, Charlie says she’ll be there in ten minutes, and Jack leaves him at the house.
It then turns out that Charlie actually called Berger instead of Lily because he doesn’t want to go home yet. Following this, Berger agrees to come to Jack’s house so that he and Charlie can spend time playing games. Shortly after, Berger arrives at the house, but he brings Lizzie and Maya along with him.
Charlie is shocked by this, and after he invites them inside, he draws Berger to the side to ask why he came with the girls. Berger says he didn’t want them to be alone, but Charlie thinks it’s a bad idea to invite Maya to the house because he believes she hates him. He adds that he’s the reason she had to change schools, but Berger thinks Maya wouldn’t have come to the house if she hated him.
He also mentions that Charlie needs to build up the courage to ask Maya out to the dance. Charlie doesn’t think it’s a good idea, but he still goes to meet her while she’s looking at the things in his dad’s office. As she sees a picture of Charlie and his dad, she asks if his birthday is the next day, and he looks shocked and asks if she remembers it.
Maya says the date is written on the picture, and Charlie mentions that he doesn’t really like to make a big deal out of his birthdays because they’re usually disappointing. As he then leans on his dad’s desk, he tries to apologize for what he did to Maya when they were in fifth grade. In the process, he unintentionally moves a Newton’s cradle and unlocks the door to a secret entrance.
As Maya and Charlie see this, they look shocked and wonder what’s inside there. Berger and Lizzie also enter the office, and they believe that Jack is probably a freak. Almost immediately, Lizzie starts typing different combinations to unlock the door, and she says it’s just like an escape room, which usually requires looking around the room for clues.
After trying a few numbers, Charlie’s date of birth is used to unlock the door, and an elevator appears behind it. Even though they don’t know what to expect, they enter the elevator, which leads them to a really big underground room with several gadgets and fun things. As the lights come on, a computer voice mentions that the headquarters has been activated.
The kids don’t know what this means, and as they walk around, Maya asks how Jack could’ve built such a place under the ground. After a while, they eventually see some mission archives, and Charlie realizes that they’re in the Guard’s secret headquarters. His friends believe his dad is the Guard, but Charlie says that Jack probably works for the superhero.
Maya and the others believe he’s in denial, and Charlie starts to wonder if Jack could really be the Guard. Elsewhere, Irons is now working for Argon to track the Guard’s power source to find him. Interestingly, Jack has been really careful over the years, and Irons has been unable to track him. After another failed attempt to find the Guard, Argon visits Irons’ office and says he’s ready to shut down the operation. Irons believes he can still find the Guard, but Argon insists that he can’t keep wasting his company’s resources.
Before he leaves, he tells Irons and his crew that they have until the end of the week to shut down the operation. Elsewhere, Charlie and his friends see a large 3D printer inside the secret headquarters. They then realize that the machine was used to build some parts of the secret room. The kids are intrigued by it, and as they try it out to see what it can do, they print different gadgets and take one each. Berger selects an object that works like a magnet, and he calls it a magnetic wand.
Charlie gets a strange bracelet that has a heads-up display while Lizzie unknowingly picks up a bag that ends up being a jetpack. While Charlie is trying to understand the device he took, he mistakenly shoots a strong energy wave at Maya, and this knocks her out. As Charlie wonders if he killed her, Maya wakes up, and it turns out that the jacket she selected can actually minimize the impact of an attack.
Just then, Berger shows them a small portal that makes his head disappear and reappear through another portal. They’re all left intrigued by this, and as Maya picks up a key on the table, the Guard’s G-Mobile gets summoned. The van looks quite similar to Jack’s van, and Charlie starts wondering if his dad is really the Guard.
Meanwhile, Berger asks Lizzie to the dance, but she says she’s already going with an older guy. Berger doesn’t get this, and he looks disappointed that Lizzie won’t be his date. Shortly after, Maya talks about the test they have the next day, and as Lizzie says she wishes she could help her friend with it, this gives her an idea.
The next day, they take the G-Mobile to school, and while they’re in class, the four friends work together to use the small portal to pass Maya’s test paper to Lizzie so she can write down the answers for her. This works quite well, but as the teacher eventually sees Berger dropping the object into his locker, she asks what it is. Berger says it’s a sculpture for his art class project, and even though the teacher doesn’t believe this, she just lets him leave.
Elsewhere, one of Irons’ assistants, Virginia, gets a signal from the Guard’s power source and calls Irons to come and check it out. Meanwhile, Charlie tells his baseball coach to sub him into the game so he can go up against Forrest again. When he gets on the field, Charlie uses his bracelet to throw the ball really fast to ensure Forrest can’t hit it in three attempts.
The other team’s coach cannot believe this, and as everyone still wonders how Charlie could do it, he and his friends leave the school with the G-Mobile. Charlie drives really fast, and this gets the cops to chase the van. Charlie then presses some buttons with Maya, and this releases some smoke bombs on the road. It also triggers a magnetic force to move some cars out of the way and block the cops. Irons and his crew continue to pick up strong signals from the Guard’s energy source, and Virginia says that the superhero has likely made a mistake for the first time in years.
Irons looks happy about this, and as the G-Mobile arrives at Jack’s house, he gets the location and tells Virginia and his other assistant, Hawaii, that they need to go there immediately. Meanwhile, Charlie gets a message from Jack saying he’ll still be away for a few more days, and he only called to wish his son a happy birthday. Charlie doesn’t seem interested in this, and as he enters the house, he sees his friends playing in the secret headquarters.
Lizzie eventually goes upstairs to make a phone call, and Charlie then goes to meet Maya. She says it must be weird for him to just be finding out about his dad’s real job, and Charlie says he’s disappointed because it’s almost like they don’t know each other. Meanwhile, Irons arrives at the house with Hawaii and Virginia, as well as two other guys, Wisconsin and Jersey.
Irons notices that the energy source is coming from inside the house, so they break in to find it. Elsewhere, Charlie says he doesn’t understand why his dad didn’t tell him about being the Guard. As he asks if he’s really that untrustable, Maya says he surely wasn’t to be trusted in fifth grade.
Charlie can’t believe she remembered what he did, and it turns out that when they were in fifth grade, he lied to the entire class that Maya had bad breath, and this made her feel embarrassed. Charlie says sorry for what he did because he knows she left the country because of it. However, Maya sounds confused and says she actually left the country because her mom was transferred to Turkey for work.
Elsewhere, Hawaii finds the elevator and tells Irons about it. Irons then walks into the office, and as he sees a picture of Jack with his son, he says they’re in the right place. Shortly after, they reach the secret headquarters, and as Maya and Charlie see them with guns, they quickly find a place to hide.
After they find Berger, they tell him about the armed men, and he nearly freaks out. He then suggests waiting until Jack returns, but Charlie says that his dad won’t be back for a few more days. Maya then remembers that Lizzie is upstairs, and it turns out that she’s still speaking to the older guy.
As Berger says they won’t be able to go through the elevator to save Lizzie, Charlie suggests checking the garage where the G-Mobile is parked. Meanwhile, Irons sees the Guard’s mission updates and realizes that he’s not around. However, Virginia notices that there’s hot tea on the table, and she says it seems they have company.
Irons believes there might be other people in the headquarters looking for the source, so he tells Wisconsin and Virginia to check out the place while Hawaii and Jersey set up the signal blockers upstairs. Irons then puts the place on lockdown, and the kids are unable to enter the garage. Meanwhile, Jersey secretly calls Argon to inform him that they’re already at the Guard’s house, but they’ve encountered a small problem.
Argon doesn’t seem pleased with this, and he says he’s already on his way. After the call ends, Jersey sees Lizzie leaving the restroom and immediately runs after her. She eventually finds a good place to hide, and Jersey doesn’t see her. As Charlie is running away with the others to find another place to hide, he sees the alien artifact. After he picks it up and looks into it, he sees some visions about how the world is headed for destruction.
Berger and Maya eventually tell him that they need to go, and he takes the object with him. Irons gets an alert that the power source has been removed, so he uses the headquarters’ speakers to warn the intruders to give it up because that’s what he came for. He adds that if they don’t release it, he’ll have no choice but to attack them.
The kids are scared by this, but they ignore the message. After a while, Argon arrives at the house and asks what’s happening. Jersey says that the intruders are downstairs, but there’s a kid hiding somewhere in the house. He adds that they might have to get their hands dirty, but Hawaii says he doesn’t kill kids. Argon says they won’t be killing any kids, but he asks Hawaii if he can kill adults.
As he says he’s used to that, Argon signals Jersey to kill him, and he does as he’s told. Lizzie sees this from her hiding spot and realizes that the men are dangerous. As she tries to walk away, they hear her footsteps, and Jersey immediately points his gun at her. Lizzie then says her name and begs him not to kill her because she’s just a kid. Suddenly, someone rings the doorbell, and Argon asks who it is.
Lizzie then mentions that it’s her date, and she can just tell him to leave. It turns out that her date is actually Big Mac, and as she tries to tell him to call the cops, he gets dragged inside. As Argon then asks what they’re doing at the house, he learns that the other intruders downstairs are also kids.
He then goes to the headquarters to tell Irons that the intruders are kids, just like Lizzie and Big Mac. Elsewhere, Charlie, Berger, and Maya realize that the mercenaries want the object they found earlier. Charlie explains what he saw when he looked at it, but Berger says they need to give it to the bad guys so that they can leave safely.
Charlie says he won’t do that because the power source belongs to his dad. He adds that they can defend themselves, and Maya supports him. Before they come up with a plan, Argon uses the speakers to let them know that he already has Lizzie and Big Mac and will kill them if he doesn’t get the power source. Charlie still refuses to give it up, and this causes a fight with Berger, who doesn’t want his brother to be killed. Maya eventually separates them and says they need to work together, but Berger says he prefers to be on his own.
Charlie and Maya then start picking up some of their gadgets, but they realize that Charlie’s bracelet is low. As they wonder what they’ll do, they eventually realize that the power source can charge it. While Argon is planting bombs inside the headquarters, he bumps into Berger. Despite looking scared, Berger manages to use his magnetic wand to knock out Argon and strap him to a chair. He then takes Argon to meet Charlie and Maya.
Charlie and Berger then apologize to each other for fighting earlier. As Argon wakes up, he sees the kids and tells them that he’s a good person. He adds that the power source is an alien artifact that he wants to use to make the world better. He also mentions that Jack was supposed to share it with the world, but he kept it for himself. Charlie falls for the story, and Argon says he’ll let them go if he drops the power source.
Elsewhere, Jack calls Lily while he’s on a mission, and she complains about how he still hasn’t told Charlie about being a superhero. Jack says he’ll do that when he returns, and he tells Lily to give Charlie the phone so he can talk to him. Lily sounds confused because she believes Charlie is still at his place.
Jack immediately checks the footage from his house and sees Charlie and his friends in the headquarters, along with some mercenaries. Jack looks shocked by this, but he then turns back and heads home. Meanwhile, Charlie sends a message to Argon’s men to meet him in the control room to get their boss in exchange for Lizzie and Big Mac. As they get there, Argon tells Irons to let Lizzie and Big Mac go. After he does this, Charlie keeps to his promise and hands over the power source to Argon.
However, Argon tells his men to seize them again. Charlie can’t believe he betrayed them, but he says it’s just business. As Argon says they need to take the power source to his lab, Irons asks if he’s still going to show it to the public. Argon says he will, but that he doesn’t want to turn it over without proper analysis.
Suddenly, Charlie starts counting down with his fingers, and after a while, Argon realizes that he’s holding a fake object. The kids then try to run away, but Jersey throws a grenade at them. Luckily, they don’t get injured from the blast, but Charlie loses the power source. As Jersey gets it and takes it to his boss, Argon tells the kids that playtime is over. Charlie and the others then stand together and prepare to attack the mercenaries.
Just before Argon catches the power source, the kids attack him, and the artifact drops to the floor. After fighting the bad men for a while, Charlie gets the power source again, and Berger comes up against Jersey, who shoots at him. Luckily, Berger uses the small portal to defend himself, and the bullets hit his locker at school because that’s where he kept the second one.
Jersey still tries to punch him, but Berger uses the portal again. The janitor hears a strange sound from the locker, and he runs to call a teacher. Shortly after, Berger and the others start looking for an exit, but Charlie falls down just as he nearly bumps into Irons.
Before he stands up, Irons tells him to drop the power source, but Charlie says he won’t let them steal from his dad. Irons then asks if his dad told him that someone’s face had to be blown up just for him to get his powers and become a hero. He adds that humanity was given a gift, but Jack kept it to himself. As he collects the power source from Charlie, Irons looks into it and sees the strange visions. Despite this, he takes Charlie down to meet Argon, who immediately asks for the power source.
Irons refuses to give it up, and as Jersey asks what he’ll do with the kids, Argon tells him to kill them. Irons says that murder wasn’t part of the plan, but Argon doesn’t seem to care. He then gets his men to point a gun at Irons, and with this, Argon collects the power source. Before Jersey does anything to the kids, Berger uses his magnetic wand to drag the power source out of Argon’s hand and throw it into the portal. As Argon tries to retrieve it from Berger’s locker, Big Mac uses one of the devices to destroy the portal.
Argon looks pissed, and as he asks where they sent the power source to, the kids stay silent. Almost immediately, Jack enters the headquarters and says he’s just an IT guy who heard of a security breach. Argon asks Irons if Jack is the Guard, but he doesn’t say anything. Argon’s men then stop Jack from coming any closer, and they ask what’s inside his fanny pack. Jack says it’s nothing, but as he opens it, he draws out his suit’s glove and starts shooting at the mercenaries to send them into a void.
During the fight, Jack stops to tell his son that he’s the Guard, but Charlie says he already knows. After he gets rid of Argon’s men, Jack leads the kids out of the room and says he needs to find the power source. Charlie explains what happened, and how they kept the object in a safe place. Jack says he needs it because his suit’s power is low, and it’s why he can only use his gloves to fight the bad guys. Before they leave, Argon appears in front of them wearing one of Jack’s spare suits and attacks him.
As Jack falls to the ground, Argon asks the kids for the power source and threatens to kill them, so Berger reveals where it is. Following this, Argon and Jersey enter the elevator with Berger. Before they reach the main house, Berger steals a grenade from Jersey.
As they’re about to get off the elevator, Argon tells Jersey to plant one inside, and he does just this. Before he leaves, though, Argon locks the door and blows him up while saying he doesn’t want witnesses. Charlie and the others hear the explosion, and Jack asks what’s really going on. Charlie then explains that Argon has planted bombs in the headquarters, and they’ll go off in five minutes. As Charlie asks if there’s another exit, Jack says there’s an escape hatch above the gym.
Before they head over there, Irons shows up and says it won’t work because Argon has locked down the headquarters’ operating system with a new code. Since they have to do something as fast as possible, Charlie tells Irons to fix his dad’s wounds while Lizzie tries to crack the code to get access to the system again. He then adds that he and Maya will get new jetpacks for everyone.
As Irons helps with Jack’s wounds, Jack asks why he’s helping him, and he says he saw the visions. Jack says he hopes Irons now understands why he needed to protect it. He adds that it wasn’t easy to do so because he lost his marriage and has a kid who now hates him.
While Charlie and Maya are going to get the jet packs, they get stuck in the 3D printer’s chamber. Lizzie is still yet to crack the code, but just as some printed materials are about to crush Charlie and Maya, she unlocks the system. After this, they get the jetpacks and leave the headquarters before it explodes.
As they get out, they notice that Argon’s men are about to land from a helicopter, so Irons says he’ll wait back to keep them busy. Elsewhere, Argon and Berger arrive at the school, but the power source is not inside his locker. As Berger wonders where it is, his teacher shows up and asks who Argon is.
He says he’s Berger’s uncle, and as she asks about his costume, he mentions that he’s just a big fan of the Guard. The teacher sees the blood on his head, but Argon says it’s makeup. He then mentions that something is missing from Berger’s locker. The teacher asks if it’s his art project, and as he confirms this, she says that the janitor saw it glowing earlier. She then says she’ll bring it for them from her office.
On the way to the school, Jack complains about how the headquarters is gone after 10 years of hard work. Charlie says he’s sorry, but that such a thing wouldn’t have happened if his dad had told him he was a superhero. Jack says it wasn’t easy, but Charlie doesn’t believe this.
He adds that he expected his dad to trust him, and Jack then tells him to ask anything he wants to know. Charlie asks why he and Lily got divorced, and Jack says it’s complicated. He mentions that he didn’t want to have to choose between being with his family or being a hero, but he didn’t have a choice.
After they arrive at the school, Jack tells the kids to stay inside the car while he goes to get the power source. Since he doesn’t know his way around the school, Lizzie gives him her headphones, and he goes inside. After a while, he walks past the school’s trophy case and sees a picture of the baseball team as well as a trophy Charlie won.
Coincidentally, the teacher comes out with the power source, but she believes Argon is a bad person, so she taps his head and gives it to Berger instead. He then runs away and enters the venue for the school dance. Jack sees them running and immediately follows them. As Berger is trying to set off a bomb, Argon finds him. Before he hurts Berger, though, Jack shows up and confronts him.
Unfortunately, Jack is no match for him without his powers, and as Charlie senses that something is wrong, he tries to get out of the car, but his friends remind him that his dad wanted them to stay inside. Charlie looks disappointed, but he says they can still stay in the car to help. Suddenly, he drives the car toward the school and presses a button that makes it go through the wall, just as Argon is about to kill Jack.
As Argon gets distracted, Berger throws the power source to Jack, and he catches it. This helps him regain his full strength with his suit, and he immediately beats up Argon. He then gives the power source to Charlie and tells him to hold on to it.
Following this, Jack heads out to continue beating Argon, but he eventually escapes. Jack goes back to collect the power source, and as he says he lost Argon, he shows up behind him and threatens to kill Charlie. Jack begs him not to do it, but Argon asks for the power source.
As Jack decides to give it up, Charlie advises him against it. He also tells his dad to use the HBT. This instantly gives Jack an idea, and as he pretends to throw the power source, Argon releases Charlie. Argon cannot believe he has been tricked, but as he still struggles to get it, Charlie throws the grenade on the power source, and Jack leaves it with him.
This causes an explosion that gets Argon trapped in a void. The blast also appears to have hit Charlie, and he’s now unconscious. Jack looks terrified, but Charlie eventually wakes up. Jack hugs his son and says he’s sorry for not always being there for him. His friends also join the hug, and Jack says he needs to call Lily.
After she arrives at the school, she asks what happened, and Jack says he has already told Charlie about his powers. Charlie cannot believe his mom knew already, but she says they were waiting until he was older before they told him. As Lily says they can talk more when they get home, Charlie says there’s something he has to do first.
Following this, he goes to meet Maya and asks her to dance with him, and she agrees. Much later, while Charlie and Jack are camping in the woods, they get an update that the Guard is needed for a mission. As they prepare to leave, Jack shows Charlie the new G-Mobile, and he looks impressed. After they enter the car, Irons appears on a screen and says he’ll now work as the mission control for the Guard. He then asks if they’re ready for the next mission, and as they say they are, Jack drives the G-Mobile out of the woods.
After being selected as the guardian of a strange alien artifact, Jack becomes a superhero, but it comes at the cost of always neglecting his family. Charlie didn’t know this, and he always believed that Jack was a very bad dad. He eventually found out under weird circumstances, and this made him realize the sacrifice his dad had to make just to ensure the world didn’t get destroyed.